Sunday, September 25, 2011

Particle Man vs. Universe Man

Particle Man
Particle Man has a mainly squiggly body with a circular center.  His squiggles represent his rash and impulsive personality that makes him crazy like a wildcard.  He is also only as big as a particle so it makes it tough to keep track of where he is and what he is doing.  This makes him a threatening super villain due to his unfair advantageous abilities to camouflage and be incognito.  He has become very good at harnessing his abilities to sneak around and wreak havoc.  His small circular body implies that he does have a slight compassionate side and growing ever increasingly insane in the brain.

He always seems to be lurking in the shadows and rarely comes into the light.  Because of his small size and his quick and speedy nature it makes him difficult to follow and keep track of.  His shadowy figure also alludes to his evil ways.  Particle Man is a little tiny figure that constantly is bringing peril to the universe.  He often speeds around outer-space trying to destroy planets, mess with meteors, and basically stirring up whatever kind of chaos he can.  Few have seen him in direct light, but he has many enemies all over the universe.
Particle Man is made up of several shades of gray and black.  Again, it alludes to his dark and evil nature.  His shades of gray are centered around a charcoal color, implying that he is filthy mad and unappealing like black soot of burning charcoal.  Particle Man is very rude and is easy to get into fights with his enemies.  It is typical of him to get in the way of other people's plans and agendas just for the sake of getting in the way.  Particle Man likes a good fight.  He is very fond of taunting people by leaving notes and clues to some of his big evil plots.

Universe Man
Universe Man is a powerful super hero that watches over and protects the universe from any potential danger.  He is a chiseled masculine figure who's body resembles a rectangle and head resembles a triangle.  His rectangular body implies bravery, determination, and his quest for peace across the universe.  The triangular qualities portray his ambition, strength, and leadership.  Universe Man constantly has a watchful eye over things happening in the universe.  He pays especially close attention to the evil doings of evil particles such as Particle Man.  Should he need to, he is never afraid to give Particle Man a nice whack on the head with a frying pan.

Universe Man tends to always be well-lit where ever he goes.  He constantly emanates a glowing light due to his great heroic nature.  This could also be in part because he has an orb in his chest that has many similar characteristics to a star such as our sun.  This orb has much to do with his super strength.  When he focuses his mental power, he can shoot a blast of bright fiery energy out of his chest to thwart the plans of his enemies when they are trying to destroy planets and interrupt the peace and tranquility of the universe.

Universe Man has a dark black background on his suit because he represents the universe and much of the universe is made up of dark black space.  However, he does have bright colors on his suit, mainly blue, yellow, and orange.  His color scheme is made up of a mix of complimentary colors and analogous colors, as blue is complimentary to orange which is analogous to yellow and red.  These bright colors allude to his friendliness, compassion, and heroic nature.  Universe Man also loves creatures and beings of all colors of the rainbow, from all places across the universe.  As long as they are not pure evil such as Particle Man, Universe Man is out to protect and serve.

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